You may be extremely tired. It is normal to feel deep fatigue in your mind and body. Let yourself *SETTLE*. In this phase, you might experience a sense of WELLBEING and SPACIOUSNESS…This is prime time to redirect your thinking. Be simple with yourself. This is defined as being: GENTLE…OPEN… CURIOUS… …COMPASSIONATE…and NON-JUDGEMENTAL with yourself.
Be a detached observer. Your new mantra and response is: ISN’T THAT INTERESTING!
Your awakening is a gift. Don’t fold it up, file it away, and forget about it. Nourish your connection to self by spending time, though, and energy with your written awakening. Your understanding will evolve and deepen and continue to unfold its message for you. Watch for inspiration, insight, and intimate connection in daily life. Be the director of your life and thoughts by giving your brain and behavior some ‘training wheels’ to create new neuro-pathways in order to change your thinking, actions, and your entire life now.
Commit to writing. This is a special time of opening and inquiry to self. It is essential to ask questions and spend time with your new feelings and awareness. Write it down. This is a special time of opening like no other. You have just invested valuable time, energy, and resources. Use your journaling to explore a different and conscious path. You have just created new neural pathways and writing will support new mind and new action: BE ACTIVE I N THAT CHANGE. Inquire without judgment.
Breathe deep–Meditate. Some might experience aspects of a healing crisis, feel disoriented, or even have a sense of freedom that could feel uncomfortable and odd. Allow for this shift: make that phone call to your practitioner, go to that meeting, sit with your pen and paper, and be physically active to engage the body. Use your breath and movement to integrate and assist in your process. If you are new to meditation try five minutes a day to begin.
Unplug. Don’t fall asleep with the computer or phone screen. No social media, news, newspapers. No difficult or edgy conversations, events, movies, music, texts, or television. Please avoid firing up or activating the amygdala and the fight, flight, freeze response. This area of your brain can easily be activated and you are in a gentle state of release, re-integration, and opening to new behavior.
Self care. Spend time to prep for bed and sleep well that night. Excellent options: take a walk outside in nature, eat nourishing and comforting foods, take a hot bath with salts and calming oils, drink sleepy time tea, read a good book that inspires and calms you. Choose Quiet time. Be in good company. ENJOY YOURSELF!!
Implement a self care package. This may include deep sleep, exercise, rest, wholesome nutrition, and regenerative foods. Additional adrenal support is highly suggested. Consider the following nutritional supplements:
*B-vitamins (B5) *Krill Oil *Omega 3-6-9 *L-Lysine
*Pantothenic Acid *Astragals Root *Siberian Ginseng
*Rhodiola Rosea *Cordyceps *quality adrenal support supplements
“Falling Away” by Tessa Kindred
Journaling Tips:
- Don’t worry about grammar, spelling or formatting. Just get going and keep going.
- Just follow the Yellow Brick Road. In other words, just go where your thoughts take you. Even if you are using a journaling prompt, don’t worry about being on or off topic.
- Write regularly. Developing a habit around your journaling is great. You will find that it becomes easier and more effective with more practice.
Inquiry Journaling Questions (Aftercare)
Who can help?
What can I experience more fully?
What is the most loving choice?
What are my boundaries?
What can I let go of?
What am I ready for?
What do I need?
What am I expecting?
What is my body trying to tell me?
What am I in the middle of?
What is my heart saying?
How can I express myself?
What if I wasn’t afraid?
What am I feeling?
What energizes me?
What needs to change?
What do I want to create?
What am I committed to?
What is the opportunity?
What am I attracted to?
What delights me?
What is my intention?
What am I deeply grateful for?
What if I didn’t worry?
What needs attention?
What am I looking for?
What am I responsible for?
What inspires me?
Where is my strength?
What do I really want?
What am I curious about?
Where can I be more kind?
What do I value?
How To Meditate For Beginners (Animated)
Meditation has almost become mainstream by this point, but most people are not doing it right. Or rather, they are meditating in a way, that will not make the habit stick over a long period of time. My Meditation approach is more geared towards the average person, as opposed to the monk who lives in the mountains. For example, I understand that a lot of people want to start meditating in order to help them sleep, I cover this specific topic in the video.
Attend and Befriend: Healing the Fear Body – Tara Brach
Tara Brach – Attend and Befriend: Healing the Fear Body – 3/30/12 Our fear management strategies–versions of fight/flight– contract our body and mind, and separate us from others. As we learn to pause and contact the bodily fear with a gentle, mindful awareness, our sense of being enlarges. We rediscover our belonging to presence, love and life.
Quiet Please – Taming Monkey Mind
We all have the endless chattering and noise in our head often referred to as the monkey mind. It’s been called the monkey mind – the endless chattering in your head as you jump in your mind from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your relationships, or worry over the future.